St Michael's CofE Primary School

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Ratcliffe Drive, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BS34 8SG


St Michael's CofE Primary School

- Let Your Light Shine -

  1. Curriculum
  2. Creativity and Enrichment
  3. Curriculum Music
  4. Wider opportunities

Wider opportunities


At St Michael's, all children have the opportunity to learn an instrument as part of whole class lessons.


In Year 3, children usually have the opportunity to learn the decant recorder.  This introduces them to formal notation.  Mrs Murray teaches the whole class.  Since COVID, we have replaced reorders with pitched percussion like glockenspiels.  We look forward to reintroducing recorders when we can. 



In Year 5, children usually have the opportunity to learn the fife.  This build on their knowledge from the desacnt reorder in Year3.  Mrs Murray teaches the whole class.  Since COVID, we have replaced fife with boomwhackers. We could then continue to develop our understanding of different scores and notation and enjoy making music together. We look forward to reintroducing fife when we can. 


In Year 4, children have the opportunity to learn the ukulele.  Mr Davis from the Music Hub teaches a 10 week course to each class.


In Year 6, children have the opportunity to learn the djembe drum.  Silas from the Music Hub teaches a 10 week course to each class.