The Governing Body of St Michael's School
The Governing Body of St Michael's School is responsible for the overall strategic direction of the school. It is made up of 16 governors. There are four foundation governors appointed by the Diocese; one appointed by the Local Authority; two elected by parents; the Head Teacher (ex officio); one elected by staff and seven co-opted by the Governing Body deemed to have the skills and experience to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. We also have three Associate Governors who support the Governing Body with specific expertise and experience. The governing body has representatives from all sections of the school community, including the local church, teaching, industry, finance, legal and human resources.
The Full Governing Body meets three times a year and a further five committees meet regularly throughout the year - Curriculum & Achievement; Strategic; Finance, Staffing & Pay; Property & Health and Safety; Foundation & Pastoral
The Governors produce an Annual Statement outlining their work during the past year. The most recent Annual Statement (2023-24) can be found lower down on this page.
Chair of Governors: Mr Malcolm Fiddler
Vice Chair of Governors: Ms Claire House
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Maggie Sims
Clerk to the Governors: Ms Lyn Nutland
Contact: c/o The School Office Tel: 01454-866781/2