Welcome to Year 6
Meet the Team!
Mrs Attewell (Class 6.1)
Mr Keating (Class 6.2)
Mrs Stephens (M, T W am) & Mrs Jones (W pm, Th F) (Class 6.3)
Year 6 support teachers: Mr Dawson, Mrs Fraser, Mrs Murray and Mr Williams
Year 6 support assistants: Mrs Eccott, Mrs Mills and Mrs Wakefield
This page of the school website is used for letters, curriculum information and useful dates.
Please check your 'Class Story' on Class Dojo for all day-to-day information.
Termly Curriculum Overview
Term 4 - Survival of the Fittest
Dates to Remember
Term 1
2/9/2024 and 3/9/2024 - INSET days
4/9/2024 - Start of term
16/9/2024 - 20/9/2024 - Year 6 camp week
23/9/2024 - Tulip photography day
2/10/2024 - Victorian Day
8/10/2024 - Height and Weight checks
11/10/2024 - INSET day
25/10/2024 - End of term
Term 2
4/11/2024 - Start of term
9/11/2024 - School Fireworks Night PTFA
11/11/2024 - Remembrance Day
12/11/2024 -SIAMS inspection/ Odd Socks Day
13/11/2024 - Positive Noticing Day
26/11/2024 - Djembe drumming concert
20/12/2024 - End of term
Term 3
6/1/2025 - INSET day
7/1/2025 - Start of term
10/1/2025 - Local MP visit to year 6
14/1/2025 - Dress Down Day - Wear Red
End of term
Term 4
24/4/2025 - Start of term
6/3/2025 - World Book Day
E-Safety: Here is the link to the school scheme of work on e-safety.
Year 6 Camp
This year, year 6 visited the Dean Field Study Centre in Parkend.
Here is the link to the Dean Field Study Centre:
Here are some of photos from the recent camp. We had a fantastic time.
Spelling Tasks
We are no longer sending out weekly spelling lists. Spelling is practised in class and we are focusing on rules. The list above practises the common words needed for children in years 5 and 6.
If you would like to practise further activities with your child, Spelling Frame has some good activities and worksheets for practice. The link to the free website is below:
Rainbow Maths
Practice sheets
Name | |
Level 1 Red x2 x5 x 10.docx | Download |
Level 10 Gold 12 x 12 mixed.docx | Download |
Level 2 Orange x2 x5 x 10 x 3.docx | Download |
Level 3 Yellow x2 x5 x10 x3 and x4.docx | Download |
Level 4 Green x2 x5 x10 x3 x4 x8.docx | Download |
Level 5 Blue x2 x5 x10 x3 x4 x8 x6.docx | Download |
Level 6 Indigo x2 x5 x10 x3 x4 x8 x6 x7.docx | Download |
Level 7 Violet x2 x5 x10 x3 x4 x8 x6 x7 x9.docx | Download |
Level 8 Bronze 10 x 10.docx | Download |
Level 9 Silver 12 x 12.docx | Download |
Year 6 will complete further extension sheets when they have completed the Rainbow maths tests.
These focus upon speed recall of other mental maths skills:
- Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 with whole numbers and decimals
- Fractions of numbers
- Percentages of numbers
- Multiplying 3 numbers
- Multiplying decimals
- Square and Cube numbers
Useful Documents
Welcome Meeting 2024
Homework Tasks
Term 4 - Survival of the Fittest
Homework tasks will consist of weekly maths, reading from the class library and own books, spelling practice and online maths. As the year progresses, there will be SPAG tasks and reading comprehension sheets sent home.
Additional homework can be carried out on the topic such as Victorians or World War Two. This is optional.
Weekly maths tasks will be set on the MyMaths website/app. There will be a variety of SATS activities this term.
The login details are stmichaels14 cosine87
Your child will then need to login through 'My Portal' with their own details.
Link to maths page:
St Michael's CofE Primary School - Maths (stmichaelssg.co.uk)
Useful Websites
https://www.mymaths.co.uk/ - For weekly homework tasks
https://ttrockstars.com/ - For times tables practice
https://primarygames.co.uk/pg3/ppods/powerpods.html - For learning equivalent decimals, percentages and fractions.
https://www.teachingtime.co.uk/draggames/sthec5.html - For games to help telling the time.
http://spellingframe.co.uk/ - There is a very good free website which can help to learn spelling patterns and common exception words
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn - Good website for all subjects with links to games and videos
Our Class Book this term is
Orphans of the Tide by Struan Murray